Crime Stoppers MFH 2024

Attorney Michael Hupy has put up $10,000 reward money to help solve a recent crime in the Milwaukee community, the tragic death of a 9-year-old boy.

Nine-year-old Jonael Zambrano was killed in his sleep by bullets on Milwaukee’s Northwest side. The shooting happened just after midnight at an apartment complex near Swan and Allyn, killing young Jonael Zambrano. 

The 9-year-old’s death marks the eighth homicide involving a minor in Milwaukee since January.

“Do you know how many places in the city there have been shootings? There were shootings everywhere in the city last year and again this year. This must stop,” Attorney Hupy emphasized in a recent statement. “We have far too much unsolved crime in Milwaukee. People with information can receive rewards for anonymously giving tips to Crime Stoppers at 414.224.8477 or submitting a tip online

Hupy is President of Milwaukee Crime Stoppers, which is part of a nationwide organization that has collected hundreds of millions of dollars to help solve crimes. Crime Stoppers is comprised of active, dedicated volunteers who aid law enforcement in the fight against crime.

Attorney Hupy’s commitment to his community is unwavering. His efforts extend beyond financial contributions. He actively invests in programs aimed at enhancing public safety and leads by example, inspiring others to join the cause of making Milwaukee a safer place for everyone.

Jill Erin Wellskopf
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Director of Marketing, Hupy and Abraham