Safe Travels: Road Trip Essentials


Here are some tips to keep your road trip safe and enjoyable.


Check Your Car Before You Go

1. Ensure tires are filled and in good condition.

2. Carry a spare tire, as well, in case of an incident.

3. Check the fluid levels, which includes oil, brake, power steering and windshield washer.


Stock Up on Essentials

1. Stock your car before you leave.

2. Make sure you have a first aid kit, water, food, cell phone charger and jumper cables in case of an emergency.

3. Plan your route before you leave and check the weather.


Follow the Rules of the Road

1. Always follow the rules of the road

2. Always use seatbelts during the road trip

3. Always watch your speed and use your blinkers when merging into another lane.


Hupy and Abraham also promotes several programs to bring awareness to distracted driving, such as texting and driving. Join others who are committed to safe driving and take the pledge today.


Injured in an Accident?

The law firm of Hupy and Abraham hopes you and your loved ones can enjoy the summer safely. For more information and additional resources, visit our website and our Facebook page.

In the unfortunate event that you or a loved one is injured this summer, please contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Hupy and Abraham for a free consultation at 800-800-5678 or start a live chat with us anytime at

Jill Erin Wellskopf
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Director of Marketing, Hupy and Abraham