Receive Fair Compensation

Truck Accident Lawyers West Des Moines

It wasn’t fair. The negligence of a trucker, or trucking company, caused your crash and the size and the weight of the truck contributed to your injuries. You didn’t deserve to be hurt, but you are the one suffering physically, financially, and emotionally.

Our experienced West Des Moines truck accident lawyers want to change that. We want to make sure that it is the trucker, or trucking company, that pays for your injuries. We want to help you recover and move on from the nightmare that someone else’s negligence has caused you.

For the past fifty years, our lawyers have been helping people who have been seriously injured. Now, it could be our turn to help you. Call our Des Moines truck accident lawyers today for a free, no-obligation, confidential consultation.

Our West Des Moines office is located at: 

1089 Jordan Creek Pkwy, Suite 265
West Des Moines, IA 50266

Phone: 515-444-5657

What You May Recover in an Iowa Truck Accident Case

The value of your recovery is going to depend on many different factors such as your actual injury, the percentage of negligence attributed to the defendant(s), the quality of the evidence you present, and the persuasiveness of your arguments. Generally, you should fight to recover all of your past, current, and future:

Once you agree to a settlement or a final court decision is made then you will be unable to recover future damages. Accordingly, it is important to fight for your full and fair recovery after you are hurt in a truck wreck.