On Wednesday, May 25, 2016, the efforts of over 1,000 organizations across the country will result in the 23rd Annual National Senior Health & Fitness Day. Billed as the nation's largest health promotion event for older adults, Senior Health & Fitness Day will involve nursing homes, hospitals, health clubs and senior living communities nationwide in dedicating the day to emphasizing the importance of health and fitness in older adults’ lives.
Programs will range from small group exercise demonstrations in senior centers to walking tours and health fairs. Most programs will also include an exercise or physical activity component, as well as information relevant to senior health. Over 10,000 older Americans are expected to participate in the event.
Unfortunately, many seniors over the age of 75 are in very poor physical condition. While a degree of physical frailty over time is natural, it can be minimized with the incorporation of regular health and fitness initiatives. If you have a loved one residing in a nursing home or long term care (LTC) facility, be sure to see if the facility is hosting any events during Senior Health & Fitness Day, and encourage loved ones to participate.
Senior Health & Fitness Day serves as a reminder that as we age, more work is required to remain healthy and active. In nursing homes and LTC facilities, residents, who are encouraged and assisted with maintaining a healthy diet, exercise and activity level, do significantly better and report far fewer injuries than residents who are not. Often, complications associated with nursing home abuse and neglect such as falls, bedsores or UTIs could be easily avoided with the incorporation of regular fitness, strength training and nutritional programs. In fact, some of the best LTC facilities are those with well-developed wellness programs that encourage resident participation.
If you need assistance looking for the right nursing home or LTC facility, Hupy and Abraham has put together five tips to help you pick a quality facility, as well as list of common complaints from nursing home residents to assist you in making an informed decision.
If you are concerned that a loved one is experience abuse or neglect while in the care of a nursing home or LTC facility, the experienced nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys at Hupy and Abraham are here to help. If you have any questions, or would like a free consultation, contact us as 800-800-5678 or start a live chat 24/7 at Hupy.com.